
Crazy Things

Well, here we go...jettisoning out onto the super-highway of the internet. I always thought myself somewhat computer savvy, but all I can say is, "Thank God for templates!" I hope I'm not in over my head in this effort to be up to date in technological communication. The plan is to join the blogging community so that all of our family and friends can keep track of our soon-to-be wild ride of a life. I hope it's interesting, inspiring, or at least entertaining. Happy reading!


Abu Daoud said...

Hi Kelly,

Greetings from the Middle East! Hope all is going well for you guys. How exciting that you will be living in Mexico. You may remember from our UTSA days that I lived there for five years or so.

Did soemone get a job down there? Or is it to do with family? We look forward to hearing about it, and congrats on baby #2 on the way! And don't stop there! (I know, I know, it's too early to be thinking about that, but I can't help it because I love babies...)

Dawn said...

ah duane, always promoting the "be fruitful and multiply" mantra! :) kelly, glad to see you on here (about time!!) and hope to read more soon.