
We've Moved

Our Kaitlyn is growing, and getting more and more beautiful

Melodee's first experience holding kitties.

Here's a picture of us on our last official Sunday at our church. Thanks to Pastor Tommy and all of our friends there who have been so supportive of us!

We've finally moved out of our apartment in Harlingen and in with my uncle Ray and aunt Cyndie (aka Tio and Tia) in Brownsville. They have been very generous in allowing us to live with them until we leave in September, and with a (almost) three year old and two month old - that's no small thing.

Getting out of the apartment was quite a feat because of all the end of the year stuff going on at Abner's and my schools. We moved out by Thursday, May 31st, and the last day of school for us was that Saturday, June 2nd. It was very, very hectic and stressful. But by the grace of God and the help of Abner's brother and sister-in-law, we were able to clear out and make the place spotless just in time. Thank you George and Eliza and kids! Besitos!

We still have a large collection of stuff in storage to weed through, but incredibly, all four of us are living out of one room with the barest necessesities - and doing just fine. It's actually something of a relief to have downsized our lives! There's a sense of freedom that comes with fewer things. I'm really feeling your comment about the simple life, Abu D...

We also have gotten the camper put on our truck! Thanks to Hosanna (our church) and New Life Outreach (my dad's church), we were able to order and pay off the camper completely. What a HUGE blessing. We're planning a trip down to Comalcalco the first week of July, and it'll be great to be able to take things down in the back of the truck with no anxiety. Here's a pic of the truck and camper:

We want to let you know about our other website - web.mac.com/abnerandkelly
The mac site will be our ministry webpage, and I'll dedicate this blog more towards personal stuff. So please check out our other page this next month as we post pictures, video (hopefully), and info about Comalcalco and Tabasco.


Dawn said...

What a great looking family! Kaitlyn is soooo pretty and so is Mel of course. Congrats on the move out and the finish of another school year. It's always a load off! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you finally updated! I was starting to wonder if I was going to have to call you =). It sounds like everything is going good. I keep seeing commercials on TV about Monterrey, and I keep telling Taylor I want to go to Mexico. I'm like Melodee, "I wanna go to Mexico"! I love you and will talk to you later. Yo encanto tu.

Anonymous said...

I'm anonymous (hahahaha)


Abu Daoud said...

As someone who spent five years of my life in México (age 10-15) I can tell you it is a great place to grow up, and it's so close to the States that life should be pretty convenient.

Will check out the other website too.

Blessings upon you all. May God prosper you in your mission, and give you LOTS and LOTS of kids. (They're so good looking--why stop at two?)