Preparations continue for the Mexico move. We are working on Abner and Melodee's passports, since the new travel laws for land/sea border-crossing will take affect 1/1/08. We are also praying that God will show us what to do about our two cars. We need to get rid of the two payments, and want to buy a used truck that will be more appropriate for the travel and conditions of Mexico. We will certainly need supernatural intervention in this area, since we've had our Honda CR-V for only a year. Kinda' hard to sell directly to a third party.
We're also getting ready to welcome Baby 2. The sonogram at the doctor's on Wednesday seems to indicate that it will be another girl. The sonographer didn't seem totally sure, though, so we'll be prepared either way. Now to come up with a girl's name that is as wonderful as "Melodee Joy"! What a challenge. We have until April to work on the possibilities, though. So if you have any suggestions, feel free to drop a line.
Abner will be performing his senior recital sometime in late June or early July. He has been finished with his classes since this summer, and began working for Harlingen CISD as the choir accompanist for two of the middle schools. He's excited about finally completing the requirements for his Piano Performance degree. He's certainly worked hard for it.
Melodee is going to be two and a half at the end of February, and seems ready to be a big sister, as well as a missionary. Lately she's started saying "I wanna go t' Mexcio!" Last week she even began crying that she wanted to go. I'm not sure if she's thinking it's a store or restaurant to go to, or if there is some deeper spiritual thing going on. It's really sweet, though, to hear her talk about it.
As for our mission: We are going as missionaries, and though we don't know where all of this will lead, we are open to a short or long term calling. We will be moving to Comalcalco where Abner's brother has started a church, and begin assisting him in developing a worship team and musicians to lead in services and outreaches. We are also expecting God to move us out of our comfort zone as far as ministry opportunities - moving us beyond music into other areas. We are planning to be in full time ministry, although we are both open to supplementing our income with teaching, recording, etc. I am excited about eventually starting free ESL classes through the church for its own members as well as an outreach for the community. Abner also plans to continue working on recording projects. I'm sure we'll be busy, busy, busy!
Though we have our plans, we know that God's Will will be done . We trust that He'll show us our next steps more clearly as we get closer to the day! Thanks for your prayers and for sharing in this exciting journey. God bless!